There’s frequent talk about math proficiency and proficiency levels, especially when it comes to analyzing student achievement at local and national levels. In Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics, the National Research Council presented the five interconnected strands of mathematical proficiency: conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, strategic competence, adaptive reasoning, and productive disposition. In order to be successful, students must connect pieces of knowledge to productively solve problems.
But what’s the reality of math proficiency levels across the country?
Understanding the state of math proficiency levels
How can administrators and teachers understand the broader scope of math proficiency levels? In the classroom, teachers constantly monitor and assess students using both formative and summative assessments. They frequently evaluate student data and are pros at adapting to meet the needs of students.
At the school level, principals monitor and analyze grade-level performance, test scores, and overall learner growth (often using assessments like NWEA MAP Growth). From a broader view, school districts examine school-level performance, overarching standardized math assessment results, and state test scores. States provide rankings (commonly referred to as “grades” or “report cards”) for public school districts and individual campuses based on a variety of factors, including proficiency levels.
Student data should provide an opportunity to celebrate exciting achievements, but the reality of dismal test scores in math at the state and national level can be discouraging.
Are math scores declining in the U.S.?
In short, yes. Take a look at the national math scores, and you’ll see significant declines in math proficiency levels. National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) long-term trend assessment data from the 2022-23 school year revealed significant declines in math, with average scores being 9 points lower than in 2020 and 14 points lower than a decade ago. The 2023 math scores for 13-year-olds at all five percentile levels declined compared to 2020. The results were even more staggering for students already struggling with math – these students experienced even larger declines compared to their higher-performing peers.
These decreased math score realities swept all pockets of the nation, including low-income status and students from wealthier families, boys and girls, and most racial and ethnic groups. What caused this decreased math achievement? Research shows COVID-19 significantly influenced the overall decline in students’ math scores. In addition to post-pandemic effects, there are more students overall with severe needs in math, teachers are stretched thin, and serious math interventions require time and money.
Strategies for enhancing math instruction and boosting test scores
It's clear that evidence-based solutions are needed. For school districts, it is no easy task to instantly improve math scores. Not only do these efforts require significant time, but they are also influenced by adequate funding, resources, and staffing. You might be asking how to improve test scores. Here are some strategies to increase awareness to improve math scores.
- Unpack assessment results alongside teachers by identifying the standards and benchmarks that students still need to reach in order to improve their standardized math test scores. Examine results to identify the key areas where students are struggling with math. Create a shared understanding of why specific math concepts are important for your school or district’s success.
- Explore professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance math instruction.
- Implement math interventions and regularly monitor student progress and math data.
- Incorporate game-based learning as a way to motivate students and support a positive math culture.
- Leverage technology solutions like ExploreLearning Reflex (for math fact fluency) and ExploreLearning Frax (for fractions) to provide students with targeted and individualized math training.
“Reflex and Frax are transformative tools for our educators to leverage to meet the needs of students of all levels. Reflex and Frax have far exceeded all of our other platforms in terms of engaging and interactive activities, immediate feedback, and tools for tracking progress.”
-K-12 Director of Mathematics and Instructional Technology, Hauppauge School District, NY
Turning the tide: How Reflex and Frax empower districts to enhance math scores and instruction
Strong math instruction can transform math growth to increase proficiency levels and student confidence. Educators nationwide are closing achievement gaps, improving math scores, and experiencing success with ExploreLearning math solutions.
How Reflex helps students build fluency in math facts
Reflex is the most effective math fact fluency solution for grades 2-6. Using adaptive games and frequent rewards, Reflex continuously monitors students’ performance to help them achieve accomplishments at their own pace. In Miami-Dade County Public Schools, the third largest school district in the United States, students’ NAEP scores increased after the district implemented Reflex.
In California, students in Fresno Unified School District needed research-based solutions to experience district-wide math increases in proficiency and confidence. “A significant number of our students were having problems mastering their math facts, and we needed an adaptive program that could allow students to practice their facts while having fun,” said Lawrence Olagunju, the K-6 Elementary Math Manager for Fresno USD.
“Reflex is now being used district-wide. I have been more than impressed with Reflex due to its fun way of helping students practice their math facts and the abundance of data to monitor students’ progress. Data is readily available for teachers, students, and parents. Data shows that our students are improving in their basic facts mastery,” said Olagunju.
More examples of success:
In Moline-Coal Valley School District, IL, students who used Reflex with high fidelity outscored their peers.
Title I students in Charlottesville City Schools, VA showed substantial growth on assessments using Reflex.
Texas students at Title I schools (Tomball ISD and Houston ISD) who used Reflex experienced greater fact fluency improvements compared to students who did not use Reflex.
Math fact fluency improved for 20,000 students at Title I-eligible schools in just 60 days.
A Kansas school’s math strategy changed after a teacher started using Reflex.
How Frax develops conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills
When students use ExploreLearning Frax—an adaptive, game-based program that helps students build mastery of fractions—research shows they achieve significantly larger academic growth in math compared to non-users. As students progress through carefully scaffolded tasks, they develop a deep conceptual understanding of fractions and magnitude, which is vital for future success with algebra and advanced problem-solving with fractions.
In a large, suburban school district in Florida, researchers analyzed 2,530 students who used Frax. The ESSA Tier 2 research measured the change in students’ i-Ready Diagnostic math assessments from fall to spring to measure the impact of Frax usage on student achievement. Students in the school district who used Frax:
- Met or exceeded growth benchmarks at significantly higher rates
- Achieved a significantly higher percentage of expected growth
- Were significantly more likely to reach or exceed grade-level proficiency in the spring, regardless of fall achievement levels
More examples of success:
ESSA Tier 3 research in a large, suburban district in California found that at-risk grade 3 and grade 4 students who used Frax were more likely to achieve grade-level proficiency than non-users.
In a qualitative study, elementary teachers across the United States found that Frax significantly increased students’ fractions knowledge, math engagement, and math confidence.
99.7% of teachers said they saw improvement in student learning and engagement with Frax.
The results are even stronger when students use both Reflex and Frax. The latest research found that across all three achievement levels, grade 3 and 4 students who used Reflex and Frax experienced significant academic growth in short periods of time with larger score gains compared to non-users. The most academically at-risk excelled at even greater rates. Frax and Reflex users who scored two or more grade levels below in the fall had 56% greater scale score gains and were nearly three times as likely to reach their stretch growth goals.
But no matter how powerful a program is, teacher training is crucial for effective classroom implementation. Ongoing training and professional development can maximize the impact of edtech investments. Reflex and Frax are easy to implement and include professional development, online and offline lesson resources, built-in progress monitoring, and more to help teachers save time and increase math proficiency levels.